Anatomical & Functional bridles
We offer not only anatomical bridles but also bridles for specific functions. We call them “functional bridles” developed for a specific purpose for young or sensitive horses. If you have any questions regarding our functional bridles, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska träns
Anatomiska nosgrimmor
Thoughtful and Insightful
Even if your not looking to buy a bridle now, think about how your bridle and bit fits your horse. Above you can see the areas most sensitive on the horses head.
Asseccories to functional bridles
Anatomiska nosgrimmor
Anatomiska träns
Equi Livsstil